2023 Impact Report
Ways to Give
to Foothills
Conservancy of NC
Donor Advised Funds:
At Foothills Conservancy of NC, we rely on the
IRA Giving:
generous support of individuals like you to
permanently protect land and water for the beneot of
people and all living things.Your contribution plays a
vital role in conserving the forests, rivers, and wildlife
that make our region special. There are several
meaningful ways you can support our mission:
General Giving:
A one-time donation helps us continue our work in
protecting and preserving the unique landscapes
of the Foothills and Blue Ridge region. Your support
directly contributes to the conservation efforts that
ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
Monthly Giving:
Join our Monthly Giving program and make a lasting
impact. By making a regular contribution each month,
you provide us with a reliable source of funding,
enabling us to plan for long-term conservation
projects and initiatives.
Tribute and Honor Gifts:
Celebrate a loved one, mark a special occasion, or
honor the memory of someone dear to you with a
tribute gift. Your donation not only pays homage to
the ones you love but also supports the protection of
nature, creating a lasting legacy in their name.
Support Foothills Conservancy of NC through your
Donor Advised Fund. DAFs provide a convenient and
tax-efocient way to manage your charitable giving
while supporting the causes you care about.
If you are 70½ years or older, you can make a
tax-free gift from your Individual Retirement Account
(IRA) directly to Foothills Conservancy of NC. This
qualioed charitable distribution counts towards your
Required Minimum Distribution and supports our
conservation efforts.
Gifts of Stock:
Donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to
Foothills Conservancy of NC and enjoy potential tax
beneots. Your gift of stock helps us further our mission
and conserve the natural beauty of our region.
Planned Giving:
Consider leaving a legacy by including Foothills
Conservancy of NC in your estate planning. Planned
gifts, such as bequests, charitable remainder
trusts, and life insurance policies, ensure that your
commitment to conservation lives on, creating a
lasting impact for future generations.
Your support matters. By choosing any of these
ways to give, you become an essential part of our
conservation efforts. Thank you for helping us preserve
Western North Carolina9s natural heritage, now and
forever, and for the beneot of all. Together, we are
making a difference.
Employer Matching:
Many employers offer matching gift programs,
doubling or even tripling the impact of your
contribution. Ask your employer if they participate
in such programs and make your donation go
even further.