2:20 - 3:05
Consumer duty – what’s new?
Assessing possible challenges for brokers and lenders and how will these be
Evolving TCF to evidence the right customer outcomes.
Practical implications on broker 昀椀rms – understanding the key milestones.
Addressing vulnerable customers.
Setting a higher level of consumer protection.
Alex Hill, Head of Business Standards & Risk, Stonebridge
Charles Roe, Director of Mortgages, UK Finance
Moderated by: Robert Sinclair, Chief Executive, AMI
3:05 - 3:45
What does the future hold for buy-to-let?
Understanding the headwinds in the buy-to-let sector and also the opportunities
for advisers over the next 12 months.
Supporting landlords whilst navigating existing and future EPC changes.
Advising homeowners seeking to invest in improving the energy e昀케ciency of
their properties.
Assessing the longer-term value of greener homes.
Steve Cox, Chief Commercial O昀케cer, Fleet Mortgages
Liz Syms, CEO, Connect for Intermediaries
Moderated by: Timothy Bannister, Director, Rightmove
3:45 - 4:20
Instant connection: tapping into the power of social media
Understanding how potential homeowners of the future engage with content
and gain trust in 昀椀nancial services.
Capitalising on the thirst for 昀椀nancial advice on TikTok. How social is being used
currently by brokers, competitors, and similar industries.
Highlighting best practice; what does good look like and crisis management;
what to do if something goes wrong.
Sophie Placido, Director of PR & Strategy, Rostrum
Andrew Roberts, Head of Marketing, Stonebridge
Closing remarks & end of conference
Evening Awards
19:00 - 19:30
Networking drinks reception
19:30 - 21:30
Dinner & Awards
21:30 - 23:30
Post-Awards entertainment
Event close