Cancer is not going anywhere. And neither are we. Macmillan is needed now more than
ever. Find out how your support means we can continue to be there for people living
with cancer.
There’s around 3 million people living with cancer in the UK today, and over 360,000
more are diagnosed every year. Right now, millions of people with cancer are counting
on us for physical, 昀椀nancial, and emotional support. At Macmillan, we won’t rest, and
we won’t settle for anything other than the best possible support for people living with
cancer. We do whatever it takes last year was no exception.
But we can’t do it alone. We’re facing a huge drop in income as a result of the
coronavirus pandemic. Because 97% of our work is funded by people like you, we need
your support now more than ever. Macmillan Cancer Support is registered as a charity
with the Charity Commission.
(registered charity number 261017) and as a company limited by guarantee with the Registrar of Companies (registered company number 2400969).