Uinsure’s long-term goal is to see insurance o昀昀ered alongside every mortgage application and its industry-leading
technology has completely removed the complexities from GI to allow this to happen.
The business puts its partners and their clients at the heart of everything it does, meaning buying insurance has never
been easier and the support it o昀昀ers has never been more thorough.
More than ever before, borrowers need a lender that will react and respond when they are faced with 昀椀nancial complexity.
Vida is the mortgage lending specialist with a clear focus on helping more customers in their homeownership journey,
unravelling complex situations, and making the process clear and simple.
Working exclusively with expert intermediary partners, Vida combines cutting-edge technology with skilled and caring
people to deliver an e昀케cient and di昀昀erentiated customer experience.
With over 13,000 customers, Vida has lent over £2.5bn since launching in 2015, and has continued to invest in technology,
people, and processes to better support its intermediary partners.
Vida is 昀氀exible and e昀케cient, cuts through complexity and never accepts second best. What you see is what you get, and it
will never change. Put simply, Vida helps those who are typically ignored by high street banks to get life moving.
Vitality is part of the Discovery Group, founded in 1992 and now covering 11.4 million customers, across 20 countries
Its core purpose is to enhance and protect members’ lives. It does this by making it easier and more a昀昀ordable for them
to look after their physical and mental wellbeing, as well as rewarding them for their positive lifestyle choices.
Known as the Vitality Programme, it’s included in all our award-winning plans:
VitalityHealth - providing fast access to private GPs, consultant referrals and the highest-quality care. Our Full
Cover Promise also guarantees no fee shortfalls for eligible treatment.
VitalityLife - o昀昀ering a full range of life insurance, income protection, mortgage protection and Serious Illness
Cover that pays out on more conditions than any other insurer.
VitalityCar – o昀昀ering 5-star Defaqto rated comprehensive cover that rewards good driving habits.