Tandem launched in 2014 as one of the UK’s original digital challenger banks providing customers with simple,
transparent savings and lending products. We are a fully licensed UK bank with a strong 昀椀ntech platform serving
over 270,000 customers.
Tandem Bank’s mortgage division is our latest initiative speci昀椀cally designed to interact exclusively with the
intermediary sector. Launched in December 2022, we o昀昀er a full remortgage and purchase product portfolio,
backed by experienced underwriters, market leading technology and key relationship managers (KRMs) who
work tirelessly with intermediaries in the 昀椀eld.
We have already brought a fresh perspective to the specialist lending marketplace by reimagining the
remortgage process to make it leaner and cleaner, giving clients a real chance to get the funds they need quicker
than you, a broker, have been used to.Everything we do is aimed at making life easier for your clients. To 昀椀nd out
more go to the website or contact one of our KRMs. Tandem Bank could be just what you are looking for.
Part of Pivotal Growth, The Loan Partnership is a specialist, award-winning brokerage, providing second charge
mortgages, bridging, commercial and development 昀椀nance. The Loan Partnership is led by directors Joe Defries,
John Webb and Sarah Ga昀昀ney, and supported by their highly experienced team of over 30 sta昀昀, who are all
CeMap quali昀椀ed.
Meticulous and thorough in their approach to presenting cases to lenders, The Loan Partnership has built a
reputation for delivering unrivalled service. It’s at the forefront of their proposition and ensures that when a case
is entrusted to The Loan Partnership the introducer is kept informed of its progress for the entire journey.If you
have a case that could bene昀椀t from their expertise, no matter how challenging, contact The Loan Partnership
today. You can be sure they’ll do everything they can to help.
People in the mortgage industry talk about ‘specialist lending’. And sure, technically that’s what TML does, but
‘specialist’ isn’t how the lender sees itself. The business is simple — it’s just lending for real life.
And real life isn’t all nine to 昀椀ve. There are self-employed people out there, folks who make a living as landlords,
people who have maybe been through some tough times, or who have the odd gremlin on their credit report.
You know, real people.
TML is all about the square pegs and the sore thumbs. And that’s why it lends to:
The self-employed
Buy-to-let landlords
People whose incomes are more complex than a standard salary
People with less-than-perfect credit history.
Mainstream just isn’t TML — it doesn’t use credit score cascading or faceless, in昀氀exible processes. Yawn. The
lender’s understanding underwriters would rather work with you to come up with real answers to real issues. And
that’s why TML calls it lending for real life.