Mans昀椀eld Building Society o昀昀ers a wide range of mortgages with a 昀氀exible underwriting approach, enabling it to assess
mortgages based on individual circumstances rather than on automated credit scoring systems.
The Mans昀椀eld’s residential lending available across England, Wales and Scotland includes:
Interest-only mortgages
Lending in or into retirement (including RIO mortgages)
Flexible criteria for 昀椀rst-time buyers and Family Assist mortgages
Shared Ownership and Help to Buy (in England and Wales only)
A specialist Versatility range for complex incomes, unusual properties and historic credit blips.
Its buy-to-let mortgage range, available across England and Wales, includes:
FCA regulated Family buy to let
Holiday lets
Expat buy to let
Let to buy
The Society has online calculators on its website and a secure online portal to submit DIP and illustration enquiries and
mortgage applications.
Metro Bank’s aim is simply to revolutionise banking by creating fans not customers. With a national Business Development
Manager presence and highly experienced underwriting team, Metro Bank provides a fast, e昀케cient and reliable service to
their mortgage partners and customers.
Metro Bank’s Residential and Buy to Let products all follow the same principle, to be straight forward, easy to understand
and geared towards the needs of the customer, whether they’re a First Time Buyer or an experienced landlord.
Mortgage Brain is a mortgage technology expert that has been developing market-leading software solutions for UK
mortgage intermediaries for over 35 years. Its suite of products and services supports advisers by providing them with a
seamless end-to-end journey.
Annually reinvesting 40% of overheads into product development, the Mortgage Brain proposition delivers a wealth of
di昀昀erent solutions and new product development that transforms the mortgage process for everyone. Mortgage Brain is
proud to proactively support lenders, networks, corporates, and intermediary mortgage advisers.
Its recent innovations include the launch of an a昀昀ordability sourcing solution which integrates with criteria and product
sourcing systems for a complete view of the market in one journey, and the launch of an online application submission
platform, Submissions Brain.