HSBC is one of the world’s largest and most successful banking and 昀椀nancial services organisations, with a proud history of
serving customers and communities for more than 150 years.
Its purpose is a simple yet powerful reminder of why it’s here and where it’s going. Whether individuals are saving for a better
home, companies growing their business, or institutions investing for future generations, HSBC is here to understand and serve
them all. It is here to open up a world of opportunity.
HSBC UK’s dedicated intermediary mortgage channel continues to transform the broker journey through digital integration,
o昀昀ering 昀氀exibility and functionality to provide a high-quality service to its intermediary partners.
The lender’s experienced 昀椀eld and phone business development managers and UK-based telephony broker helpdesk continue
to provide a superior level of support that our intermediary partners have become accustomed to.
iPipeline is a global technology company providing digital transformation to the 昀椀nancial services industry.
Founded in 1995 and with o昀케ces across Europe, North America and Canada, iPipeline provides the broadest range of
integrated and licensed solutions used by providers, intermediaries, and customers covering policy administration, underwriting,
e-signatures, document management, e-quote, e-application and business intelligence.
With over 25 years’ experience in helping people to own homes, Kensington is the only specialist lender to operate across
the whole of the UK. As one of the leading specialist mortgage lenders, its products and 昀氀exible lending criteria are designed
with your clients in mind, o昀昀ering solutions that meet the needs of people the high street can often overlook.
For example:
Income recovery for the self-employed for those who saw a dip in their 20/21 income
Flexi Fixed for Term for those who want the stability and peace of mind of 昀椀xing their mortgage for 11 to 40 years
with a monthly payment that never changes.
As long as six months have passed, the Resi 6 range can help your clients who have less-than-perfect credit
eKo cashback mortgage o昀昀ers enhanced cashback for those who want to improve the energy e昀케ciency of their