Our Sponsors
Established in 1836, Legal & General is one of the UK’s leading 昀椀nancial services groups and a major global investor, with
over £1.4 trillion in total assets under management, of which a third is international.
L&G also provides powerful asset origination capabilities. Together, these underpin its leading retirement and
protection solutions. It is a leading international player in pension risk transfer, in UK and US life insurance, and in
UK workplace pensions and retirement income. Through inclusive capitalism, L&G aims to build a better society by
investing in long-term assets that bene昀椀t everyone.
Virgin and Clydesdale are two brands that complement each other perfectly. For them, being a good partner means
putting your needs at the heart of their decisions and recognising what’s important to you – products, pricing and
Virgin Money understands that choice is important. That’s why it o昀昀ers a wide range of products and features. It
supports the new build market with lending up to 90%, buy-to-let with lending up to 80% and age 85, including
streamlined portfolio straight balance swaps with no additional borrowing and top slicing. Other features include dayone remortgages and allowing gifted deposits from non-family members.
Clydesdale recognises that every client has di昀昀erent needs. Your clients come to you because you’ll 昀椀nd a mortgage
solution that 昀椀ts their needs. Brokers come to Clydesdale because it adopts a 昀氀exible approach and assess on individual
merits. Its team will work with you to understand your client and what it may be able to do for them, helping you to
昀椀nd solutions. Don’t forget, you have access to both a 昀椀eld BDM and a telephone BDM meaning you can get the right
support when you need it.