DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 42
Part 5: Looking for Clues! (1) (pages 14-18)
Let’s remember
Who remembers what we saw last time? (a map of Lakeview)
What places did we see? (have student name as many of the places as they can.)
1. Let’s Remember! (Track 6) (page 14)
Review the main events in the story. This is important so as to make sure everyone understands
what’s going on in the story so far and to enable those who missed something to catch up.
Say and ask:
We met Tom, Kate, Professor Sparky, Jack, and Amy.
AI: Students will understand the general
Who is (Tom)? What do we know about (him)?
meaning, main ideas, and sequence of
Professor Sparky is a scientist. He invents things.
events in the text and use this
Can you remember what he invented that we’ve
knowledge as needed.
already seen? (a hologram of himself)
Jack and Amy are detectives. They need Kate and
Tom’s help!
How did Jack and Amy ask Kate and Tom for help? (by e-mail)
AI: Students will extract
information from visual data.
Point out the title to the students, “Looking for clues”.
Who remembers what a clue is? (Accept all logical answers.)
Where can we find clues? (in the title, in the pictures, in the story)
How do we know something might be a clue? (it’s odd, it sticks out, it’s different – or any
other logical answer)
In exercise 1, when the students mention some of the actions, put the
flashcards of the new words on the board or write them. Say the word clearly
and have the students repeat. Teach the actions that the students do not know.
Likewise for the words ‘coach’ and ‘game’. Point to the pictures of these items
in the book and place the corresponding words on the board.
Vocabulary reinforcement
Have the students go over the text and find the words they just learned. Ask them to read the
sentences where they found the words. If there are still unclear words, explain them. Have the
students copy the words into their notebooks and write their definitions.
For weaker students: Have them copy the sentence with the new word into their notebooks, next
to the definition they wrote. This will help them remember the context as well.
For more ideas, go to the Introduction pages vi and vii in the Yellow Pages section.