DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 204
We chose only one issue.
We drew a poster that is directly connected.
We wrote our own message.
We presented it to the class.
We explained why we chose it.
We put our names on it.
We wrote clearly and neatly.
You may want to use this rubric to assess the students' work.
Full points
points (5)
None (0)
Discussed only one issue on the poster
Drew a poster connected to the topic
Wrote their own message
Presented the ideas to the class
Used complete sentences where
Used correct grammar and spelling
Used capital letters and full stops
Extra Activity:
Simpler: Have the students use one of the sayings given in the book. Then have them draw a
corresponding picture.
More challenging: Have the students write a short paragraph describing the issue they are talking
about in their poster. They should be able to explain it clearly to the class.
5. Word Detective! (page 154)
AI: Students will use simple
information tools such as a glossary,
a simplified learner’s dictionary, and
a table of contents.
P: Students will produce a short
piece of coherent writing.
Go to pages 152-153 and find the
new words.
For each word, copy the sentence in
the book where you found the word.
Each little table has a missing word.
Copy the tables into your notebook
Copy that word into your notebook.
When you find all the words, copy the
table in ‘b’ at the bottom of the page and fill in the marked letters to find the secret
message from the Green Team.
Then go back to your word list and write a new sentence for each word you found.
Have the students answer in their notebooks.
When they have finished, go over the answers with them.