DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 188
3. Let’s Write! (page 142)
What does the boy from Seaside mean when he says, “We have to change our world before
it changes us!”? (Accept all logical answers.)
Appreciation of language and culture
NOTE: There is a play on the name of the town, like Lakeview and Greenville that were discussed in
Units 1 and 2. Seaside here means that the town is on the side of the sea, hence its name. Discuss
the name of the town with the students to see that they fully comprehend where the name comes
from and why that name was given. Ask if they know of a naming convention in their own culture.
The answer should include the idea that if the world changes us, we won’t have all the wonderful
things from nature, the animals, the plants, etc. Furthermore, if we let the world get dirty, it will be
dangerous for human beings, too. So we have to change the way the world is going – getting dirty,
4. Let’s Do It! (page 142)
Preparation: Workbook page 231 for project card.
Have the students work in pairs.
P: Students will produce a short
piece of coherent writing.
P: Students will present information
on limited content, supported by
visual aids.
Say and ask:
You and your partner have to think of an
idea for a project for your city or
neighborhood with the Green Team.
What would you do?
Brainstorm some ideas in your notebooks.
Then choose the one you like best.
When you’ve chosen, make a Project Card. (Hand out pages.)
The Project Card has to have answers to the following:
o What is the problem?
Three or four sentences describing the problem.
o How did you find out about the problem? What solutions can you suggest?
At least two suggestions.
o A picture that shows the problem or the solution.
Write three complete sentences.
Remember, a complete sentence includes a subject, a verb and an object.
Then give this project idea a related name.
Use the checklist on page 142 in your book to help you.
When you are ready, you will present your project to the class.
Complete the project card (page 231 of your workbook)
You may want to use this rubric to assess the students' work.