Reading Readiness TG - Book - Page 96
The Letters ‘Rr’
Recognize the letters ‘R’ and ‘r’.
Recognize and say the sound of /r/.
Distinguish between the letters ‘r’ and ‘n’; ‘R’ and ‘P’
Write the letters ‘R’ and ‘r’
ABC poster
Mural Piece - ‘Rr’
Letter House poster
Letter Cards - ‘Rr’, ‘Pp’, ‘Nn’
Plasticine/pipe cleaners
Before the Lesson
Prepare Name Cards for students whose names begin with ‘R’.
Lesson Procedure
Action and Small ‘r’
• Swing one arm around in circles while saying the sound /r/.
• Ask: What am I? (a windmill, a propeller, a motor)
• Have students do the motion and sound /r/ with you.
• Tell students that the letter ‘r’ says, /r/. Draw it on the board.
• Ask what shapes ‘r’ has. (a line and a small hook)
• Ask what letter it looks like. (a small ‘n’)
• Ask: What is the difference between the small ‘r’ and the small ‘n’? (small ‘r’ has
a small hook and small ‘n’ has a big hook)
‘R’ Chant (track 36)
Rub your hands together. Say: /r/ /r/ rub.
Have students copy you: /r/ /r/ rub.
Rub your finger on the board. Say: /r/ /r/ rub.
Have students rub the table.
Rub your marker on the board in the shape of a small ‘r’. Say: /r/ /r/ rub.
Have students rub (trace) the letter on their tables with their fingers.
Ask a student to come up to the front. Rub the letter ‘r’ on their back.
Have students rub the letter ‘r’ on each other’s backs and chant: The letter is ‘R’.
The sound is /r/. The word is ‘rub’.