Reading Readiness TG - Book - Page 52
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Part Circle Letters: ‘Cc’, ‘Aa’, ‘Dd’, ‘Qq’, ‘Pp’, ‘Bb’, ‘Ee’
The Letters ‘Cc’
Recognize the letters ‘C’ and ‘c’.
Recognize and say the sound of /k/.
Write the letters ‘C’ and ‘c’.
ABC poster
Mural Piece - ‘Cc’
Letter House poster
Letter Cards - ‘Cc’, ‘Ll’, ‘Ii’, ‘Vv’, ‘Ww’, ‘Xx’, ‘Yy’, ‘Zz’, ‘Kk’, ‘Oo’
Plasticine/pipe cleaners
Before the Lesson
Prepare Name Cards for students whose names begin with ‘C’.
Provide one round-shaped cookie for each student. Also bring chocolate spread,
jam or other suitable spread and spoons with which to spread it.
Provide one paper cup and cold cocoa or cola for each student.
Lesson Procedure
Action and Small ‘c’
• Hug yourself as if you are cold. Ask: How do I feel? (cold)
• Say: /k/ /k/ cold. ‘Cold’ begins with the letter ‘C’.
• Draw a ‘C’ on the board. Chant: The letter is ‘C’. The sound is /k/. The word is ‘cold’.
• Have students hug themselves and repeat after you.
• Ask: What other letter do we know that makes the sound /k/? (k)
• Now ask: What words do we know that have the sound /k/? (cat, cookie, kids, kangaroo,
kick) Students may offer words that begin with ‘c’ or with ‘k’. The focus here is on the
sound /k/.
• Ask students what shape makes a ‘C’. (a part circle)
That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles
• Give each student one round cookie. Ask students what shape the cookie is. (circle)
• Have students spread a layer of chocolate spread or jam on top of their cookie.
• With their finger, each student can trace the shape of the letter ‘C’ into the spread. (Note:
The round cookie follows the shape of the letter ‘C’.)