Reading Readiness TG - Book - Page 44
Chant together with the class (track 16): (kick, kick) The letter is ‘K’. The sound is /k/.
The word is ‘kick’. (Do the kicking action.)
Hold the sheet right side up with the bottom of the ‘V’ at your waist. Stand with feet
spread apart like an upside-down ‘V’.
Ask: What letter am I?
Say: The letter is ‘X’. The sound is /ks/. The word is ‘taxi’, the word is 'box’, the word
is 'Max'. Do the ‘X’ action.
Divide the class into groups of four.
Give a ‘V’ sheet to each group.
Instruct each group to divide into pairs.
One pair will make a letter with the ‘V’ sheet and their bodies. The other pair must
guess what the letter is and say the letter names and sounds.
The pairs take turns making and naming the letters.
Name Cards Activity
If there are any students in the class whose names begin with ‘K’, follow the instructions
for the Name Cards Activity in Lesson 8, on page 21.
Letter Cards
• Open the Workbook to the pages 41and 45.
• Have students carefully remove the ‘K’ and ‘k’ Letter Cards.
• Ask: What is the difference between the big ‘K’and the small ‘k’. (They both have a
sideways ‘V’ but the big ‘K’ is bigger).
• Have students draw the letters with their index fingers on each other's back.
ABC Poster, Mural and Song
• Have a student point to the letters ‘Kk’ on the poster.
• Chant: The lettler is ‘K’. The sound is /k/. The word is ‘kick’. (Do the kicking action.)
• Hold up the mural piece for ‘Kk’.
• Ask students where they think the ‘K’goes. (before the letter ‘L’)
• Hang up the ‘Kk’mural piece next to the ‘Ll’.
• Sing the ABC Song (track 7). Do the actions for the letters learned.
Workbook (page 19)
Open the Workbook to page 19.
Activity 1
• Have students take out their plasticine. Have them roll small logs to cover the ‘K’s at
the top of the page.
• Have students color the letters at the top of the page, following the direction of the