Reading Readiness TG - Book - Page 106
Assessment Activities
Writing Big and Small Letters - Alphabet
On a blank sheet of paper, Have students write the alphabet in small letters and then in
big letters. This will assess students’ ability to write the letters correctly, and in the ABC
Use the chart below to record students’ achievements.
Student Names
Can write letters
in ABC order
Can write ABC in
small letters
Can write ABC in
big letters
Identifying Letters by Name and by Sound – Hook-Shaped Letters and ‘S’
• Give each student a blank page (half the size of an A4 sheet).
• Instruct students to write their name at the top of the page.
• Have students write the numbers 1- 6 down the left hand side of the page.
• Call out the name of a letter the class has learned. Students must write the letter
that is called out next to the number. They may write either the big or the small
1. H
2. M
3. N
Have students turn the page over and repeat the exercise. This time, say the
sound of a letter the class has learned and they write the correct letter beside
the number called out.
They may write either the big or the small letter.
1. /s/
2. /h/
3. /u/
4. R
5. S
4. /n/
5. /r/
6. /m/
Collect students’ papers.
Saying the Letter Names and Sounds
Aim: To check each student’s ability to say the letter names and sounds.