MFEA-78 TG - Book - Page 110
Ask: What
What do
do we
we wear
wear when
when it’s
it’s cold
cold outside?
outside? When
When do
do we
we wear
wear a
a jacket?
jacket? Etc.
Ask pupils: Mr. McGee found an apple, he flew, he landed on his head and nothing
Mr. McGee found an apple, he flew, he landed on his head and nothing
happened to him. What does that tell us about him? (accept any logical answer)
• Tell pupils:
Open the Practice Pages to page 131.
What do we wear when it’s cold outside? When do we wear a jacket?
- Review question forms orally: Why? Where? What? Who?
- Practice the sound of the blend ‘wh’.
- Ex. 20 - Complete the exercise according to instructions.
Mr. McGee found an apple, he flew, he landed on his head and nothing
does that
tell us
(accept any logical answer)
• Tell
pupils: to
- Complete all exercises according to instructions.
• Tell pupils: Open the Practice Pages to page 135.
- Review question words: Where.....? When.....? Who.....? Why.....?
- Ex. 24 - Complete the exercise according to instructions.
• Tell pupils: Open the Practice Pages to page 136.
- Pupils should be able to read this text on their own.
- Read the text or play ‘ex. 25’ from: and complete
the exercise according to instructions.
- Ask pupils questions such as:
Look color
at myismouth
when I make the sound /th/. Now, make the
1. What
Kip’s sweater?
2. What color are Sam’s shoes?
3. What color are Pam’s pants?
4. What color are Sharon’s shoes?
Look at my mouth when I make the sound /th/. Now, make the
• Tell pupils: Open the Practice Pages to page 137.
- Discuss with the class what a fashion show is and teach the word “model”.
- Tell pupils to make a colored mark on the clothes while they hear the
description. They will complete coloring the clothes after the second reading.
Look at my mouth when I84make the sound /th/. Now, make the