AB-123 TG - Book - Page 194
2.32 Go, Go, Grandma
The letter is G, the sound is /g/
Go, go, grandma, grandma
Go, go, grandpa, grandpa
Gorilla, gorilla
Go, go grandma go, go, go
Go, go grandpa, go, go, go
Go, go gorilla go, go, go
G, G, G, go, go, go
Go, go grandma go, go, go
Go, go grandpa, go, go, go
Go, go gorilla go, go, go
G, G, G, go, go, go
2.33 The ABC Begins with A
The letter is A the sound is /a/
Apple, apple
Alligator, alligator
Astronaut, astronaut
Ambulance, ambulance
The ABC begins with A
ABC begins with A
ABC begins with A, /a/, /a/, /a/
A, A, the letter A
A, A, the letter A
A, A, the letter A, /a/, /a/, /a/
Apple, Apple, /a/, /a/, /a/
Apple, Apple, /a/, /a/, /a/
Apple, Apple, /a/, /a/, /a/, Apple, Apple
A, A, the letter A
A, A, the letter A
A, A, the letter A, /a/, /a/, /a/
A, A, alligator
A, A, alligator
A, A, alligator, /a/, /a/, /a/
A, A, the letter A, A, A, A
2.34 Pizza, Pink and Purple
The letter is P, the sound is /p/
Pizza, Pizza, Pancake, Pink
Purple, Pen, Pencil, Pupil
P P pizza, P P P P pizza
P P pizza, pizza, P the letter P
P the letter P
P P pancakes, P P P P pancakes
P P pancakes, pancakes, P the letter P
P the letter P
P P purple P P P P purple
P P purple, purple, P the letter P
P the letter P