MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 88
take turns sharing with the rest of class how each child helps make the world a better place.
Teach the new vocabulary word "like" (meaning, similar) through the context of the text. Use L1 if
needed to explain the meaning.
After reading, have pupils explain how each child helps make the world a better place. Elicit what
pupils learned from the text.
Ask pupils to give a personal response (use L1 if needed): Who do you think is helping in the
most important way?
Course Book page 49, task 10
Have pupils read the section "You can help too!" in the magazine article. For each sentence, decide
which kid from the article (Ben, Lily, or Anna) would say it.
Out of the Box
Have pupils follow the instructions to complete the Out of the Box project. This task can serve as an
opportunity for interdisciplinary work, to be done in cooperation with the art teacher in the school.
Have pupils create their own art from garbage, like in the article Kids Can Save the World.
Have pupils collect materials: clean up around the school or neighborhood by collecting and saving
the tops from plastic or glass bottles, recycled newspaper or magazine clippings, or pick up leaves,
flowers, or other small natural objects from outside. Be sure the materials are clean and ready to use
before using them.
Encourage pupils to create a picture of an animal, or a natural scene (e.g., forest or river) using their
found objects.
Have pupils present their pictures to the class in English by saying what is in the picture and what
materials it is made out of.
Workbook pages 60-63
Have pupils complete the tasks. Review the instructions for each task before allowing pupils to work
on their own or with a partner/small group.
When pupils are finished, check answers.
Wrapping Up
Remind the pupils of the different topics and words that were covered by showing them the word
cards. Elicit the words: better, bottle, collect, glass, leave, newspaper, plastic, save, together.
Ask pupils what these words have in common. Elicit: helping the world, cleaning up nature, etc.
Ask pupils (encourage responses in English and emphasize the target vocabulary in the pupils'
answers): What can you do to help make the world a better place?