MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 85
Course Book pages 44-45
Course Book page 44, task 1
Have pupils choose the correct picture for each phrase.
Course Book page 44, task 2
Before listening, read Lily's speech bubble and the sentences that follow together with the pupils.
Predict what Lily does or does not do.
Have pupils listen and choose yes or no according to what Lily says she does or does not do to look
after the environment.
Listening Script Unit 1 Page 44 #2
I like to go outside in nature. We need to look after our world.
I want to help make the world a better place. This is what I do:
1. I do not leave garbage in the park or on the beach.
2. My family and I plant trees in the forest near our house.
3. I wash my water bottle and drink from it again, so I do not make more plastic garbage.
4. I collect garbage from the sea. It is not good for the animals!
5. I do not use a lot of water when I brush my teeth.
6. I ride my bicycle or walk to school. This can help our town have clean air.
After listening, check if the pupils' predictions were correct.
Class Discussion
After listening in task 2, ask pupils the following questions. Encourage responses in English and
emphasize the target vocabulary in the pupils' answers. Reassure pupils that there is not one correct
1. Think about what Lily does to help make the world a better place. How do you think these
actions help?
2. What do you do to help make the world a better place? Do you do the same things as Lily?
Course Book page 45
Course Book page 45, task 3
Have pupils use the flow chart to choose one way they can help the environment and make the world
a better place. First, have pupils work with a partner to say how they can help (4 sentences total).
Then, have pupils copy the sentences into their notebooks to write a paragraph.
Writing Tip: Remind pupils that sentences should begin with a capital letter and end with a period.
Look Online (ICT)
Have pupils watch the video "A Whale's Tale" by Hope Works:
Have pupils watch for vocabulary they know. Elicit the vocabulary at the end of the video, or have
pupils write the words down in their notebooks: plastic, bottle, clean, garbage, save, sea, fish, etc.