MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 81
Listening Script Unit 1 Page 41 #8
Parrots are beautiful birds and can be good pets.
They can't run, and they can't swim.
They can't read books or ride bicycles.
But they can do a lot of other things!
Like a lot of birds, parrots can fly, and they can jump.
They can climb trees, too!
And did you know that parrots can talk?
Pet parrots can learn words from the people they live with.
Next time you see a parrot, say "hello!"
Maybe it will say "hello" back to you!
After listening, check if the pupils' predictions were correct. Have pupils use can/can't to say
sentences about parrots using their completed table.
Course Book page 41, task 9
Have pupils use the table to write sentences in their notebooks. Have pupils write two sentences
using I can& and two sentences using I can't&
Workbook pages 50-51
Have pupils complete the tasks. Review the instructions for each task before allowing pupils to work
on their own or with a partner/small group.
When pupils are finished, check answers.
Let's Read
Course Book pages 42-43
Course Book page 42, task 10
Before reading, have pupils talk to a partner about what you can or can't see on a camping trip. Use
the pictures as examples.
Have pupils use the sentence starters with the words can/can’t: You can/can9t see & on a
camping trip.
Course Book page 42, task 11
Before reading, ask pupils about the text type. Elicit that it is a flyer and point out the features of the
text type (event name, date, contact information, etc.).
Have pupils look at the text and make predictions about the type of information in the text based
on the pictures, text type, and title. Determine that this is an advertisement for a camping event.
Read the text together with the pupils.
After reading, ask the pupils what they can do at the event.
Ask pupils to give a personal response: Do you want to go to Fun in the Forest?