MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 75
Course Book pages 34-35
Remind pupils to use the Focus on Form section on the page to help them with the following tasks.
Course Book page 34, task 5
Have pupils choose There is or There are to correctly complete the sentences.
Have pupils identify how they know the answer (singular or plural nouns).
Course Book page 34, task 6
Have pupils match the pictures to the sentences that describe them in task 5.
Course Book page 35, task 7
Have pupils read and choose there is or there are to complete the text.
Course Book page 35, task 8
Have pupils use the table to write at least 5 sentences in their notebooks. Have pupils write
sentences using both There is& and There are&
Workbook pages 42-43
Have pupils complete the tasks. Review the instructions for each task before allowing pupils to work
on their own or with a partner/small group.
When pupils are finished, check answers.
Let's Read
Vocab Activity
Do the activity to review the vocabulary (show the word cards): bird, cat, cow, dog, elephant, fish,
horse, monkey, mouse, rabbit, sheep, snake.
Yes or No (VA #9)
Say a true or a false statement about one of the words. For example: Birds can fly. or Cows are
purple. Have pupils say "Yes" or "No" to indicate if the sentence is true or false.
For false statements, encourage pupils to correct the sentence.
Play a few rounds to practice different words. The teacher may choose a volunteer to lead.
Course Book pages 36-37
Course Book page 36, task 9
Before reading, have pupils talk with a partner about what they know about elephants.
Have pupils use the sentence starters: Elephants live/eat/like/have&
Course Book page 36, task 10
Before reading, have pupils look at the text and make predictions about the type of information in
the text based on the pictures, text type (informational), and title.