MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 58
Review the vocabulary using the word cards: baby, brother, father/dad, grandfather, grandmother,
mother/mom, sister.
Ask pupils what these words have in common. Elicit: family
Teach the new vocabulary using the word cards: aunt, daughter, grandchildren, grandparents,
parents, son, uncle.
Ask pupils what these words have in common. Elicit any logical response, including: family
Have pupils point to and read each new word in their Course Books on pages 20/21.
Elicit from the pupils which people make up 'parents' (mother/mom and father/dad) and which make
up 'grandparents' (grandmother and grandfather).
Word Workout (homophones): Point out to pupils that they know another word that sounds like
"son" but is written differently. Elicit: "sun." Write both words on the board and practice their
Ready to Read with Words I Know – Phonics Review
Remind pupils that the digraph CH in English makes the sound /ch/, as in the words: grandchildren,
Ask pupils which of these words is a new word they have just learned. Elicit: grandchildren
Elicit other words pupils know with this sound.
Vocab Activity
Do the activity to review and practice the vocabulary (show the word cards): aunt, baby, brother,
daughter, family, father/dad, grandchildren, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, mother/mom,
parents, sister, son, uncle.
Word Association (VA #4)
Say one of the vocabulary words and have pupils quickly respond with another word that they
associate with it. For example, say "aunt" and pupils may respond "uncle."
Accept any logical answer.
Play a few rounds to practice different words.
Class Discussion
Ask pupils the following questions. Encourage responses in English and emphasize the target
vocabulary in the pupils' answers. Reassure pupils that there is not one correct answer.
1. Who has a big family? Who has a small family? (Elicit responses using the structure: I have&)