MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 31
Listening Script Getting Ready Page 8 #1
The letters C and H make the sound /ch/: chair, cheese, chicken, sandwich
The letters S and H make the sound /sh/: she, shirt, shoes, fish
The letters T and H make two sounds.
The letters T and H make the sound /th/: three, mouth
And the letters T and H make the sound /TH/: father, mother
The letters P and H make the sound /f/: phone, elephant, photograph
After listening, repeat the words one at a time. For each word, have pupils find the digraph (CH, SH,
TH, or PH) and say if it's in the beginning, middle, or end of the word.
Course Book page 8, task 2
Ask pupils to say other words they know that have the sounds /ch/, /sh/, /th/, /TH/, /f/ (ph). As you
elicit words, add them to the lists in task 1 on the board.
Course Book page 8, task 3
Have pupils look at the picture and find the words from task 1. Have pupils work with a partner
where one partner says, "I see (a chair)." and the other partner points to the correct part in the
picture. Demonstrate the dialogue with the class before having pupils complete the task with their
Let's Review: Days of the Week
Review the vocabulary using the word cards: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday.
Say and have pupils complete the sentences: Today is& / Yesterday was& / Tomorrow will be&
Ask and elicit the appropriate day: On which day of the week is there no school? On which
day(s) of the week do we have an English lesson? Which day of the week is your favorite?
Vocab Activity
Do the activity to review the vocabulary (show the word cards): Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Disappearing Card (VA #2)
Show all the cards and have pupils say the days of the week. Then, hide one card and have the
pupils say the days again, including the one you have hidden. Continue until all the cards are
hidden and the pupils say the days in order from memory.
Course Book page 9
Course Book page 9, task 4
Have pupils read the lyrics to the song. Ask who agrees with the song that Saturday is the best day of
the week. Why or why not?