MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 30
Course Book pages 3-4
Have pupils look at the pictures on the page and predict some of the topics they will learn about in
this book. Encourage responses in English using vocabulary pupils know (pupils can use L1 if needed).
Tell pupils that these kids appear in each unit of the book. Assign or have pupils choose one unit to
explore a bit more. Have pupils flip through the unit to look at the pictures and predict the topics
they will learn about.
After a few minutes, ask volunteers to share with the rest of the class what they found. Choose at
least one pupil to share about each unit in the book.
Ask pupils which topics in the book they are most interested in learning about.
Let's Review: Phonics
Ready to Read – Digraphs
Show the flashcards and ask: What sound do you hear in the words: children, teacher, lunch?
(Elicit: the sound /ch/)
Show the flashcards and ask: What sound do you hear in the words: short, share, wash?
(Elicit: the sound /sh/)
What two letters make the sound /sh/? (Elicit: The letters S and H)
Show the flashcards and ask: What sound do you hear in the words: think, bathroom, teeth? (Elicit:
the sound /th/)
What two letters make the sound /ch/? (Elicit: The letters C and H)
What sound do you hear in the words: this, brother, clothes? (Elicit: the sound /TH/)
What two letters make the sounds /th/ and /TH/? (Elicit: The letters T and H)
Show the flashcards and ask: What sound do you hear in the words: phone, elephant, photograph?
(Elicit: the sound /f/)
What two letters make the sound /f/? (Elicit: The letters P and H)
Course Book page 8
Course Book page 8, task 1
Before reading, have pupils point to each digraph (ch, sh, th, ph) and review the sound(s) each
digraph makes.
Have pupils listen and read the words along with the recording. Have pupils point to each word on
the page as they hear it.