MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 277
Joy went on vacation to space. Have pupils choose the best caption for her to write on a social media
post about her trip.
Workbook pages 258-261
Have pupils complete the tasks. Review the instructions for each task before allowing pupils to work
on their own or with a partner/small group.
When pupils are finished, check answers.
Wrapping Up
Remind the pupils of the different topics and words that were covered by showing them the word
cards. Elicit the words: anywhere, dark, the Moon, space, stars.
Ask pupils which of the new vocabulary words are nouns/verbs/adjectives.
Class Discussion
Ask pupils the following questions. Encourage responses in English and emphasize the target
vocabulary in the pupils' answers. Reassure pupils that there is not one correct answer.
1. We learned about some ways that technology can help us travel. What did we learn about?
(Elicit: self-driving cars and space vacations)
2. Do you think these are good ideas? Why or why not?
3. What other ideas or technologies can help us travel?