MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 26
Prosodic features
Can articulate a limited repertoire of words and phrases using appropriate prosodic features (stress, rhythm,
intonation) despite possible interference from other language(s) he/she speaks
Orthographic control
Can copy familiar words and common, frequent short phrases
Can spell some of the lexical entries in Lexical Band I marked as productive with reasonable accuracy
Shows evolving control of periods and capital letters
Sociolinguistic appropriateness
Can establish basic social contact by using the simplest everyday polite forms of: greetings and farewells;
saying 8thank you,9 etc.
Coherence and cohesion
Can link words or groups of words with basic linear connectors
Propositional precision
Can communicate basic information about personal details and needs of a concrete type in a simple way
Spoken fluency
Can produce single words and lexical chunks while pausing to search for ways to articulate less familiar
lexical items and/or to repair communication