MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 252
Let's Read
Teach the new vocabulary using the word cards: have fun, money, will be.
Have pupils point to and read each new word in their Course Books on page 182.
Point out that one of the words describes something that will happen in the future (Elicit: will be).
Vocab Activity
Do the activity to review and practice the vocabulary (show the word cards): computer, the future,
game, have fun, interesting, Internet, job, keyboard, money, screen, technology, toy, try, use, worker.
Review the vocabulary using the word cards before doing the activity.
Context Clues (VA #25)
Have pupils work in small groups/pairs to choose at least 4 words from the list. They should write
one sentence in English using each word in their notebooks.
When pupils are finished, say the words one by one and ask volunteers to read the sentences
they wrote. If no pupil/group chose a particular word, create a sentence together as a class.
Course Book pages 182-183
Course Book page 182, task 7
Before reading, have pupils talk to a partner about what you think the most interesting job in the
world is.
Have pupils use the sentence starter: The most interesting job is&
Course Book page 182, task 8
Before reading, ask pupils about the text type. Elicit that it is an online newspaper article (job ad) and
point out the features of the text type (website address, name of the newspaper, article title, date
published, pictures and captions, etc.).
Remind pupils that they have seen this text type (newspaper) before (Doctor Knows Best, Course
Book page 70). Ask pupils to compare and contrast it with this online newspaper article.
Read the text together with the pupils.
Have pupils look at the text and find the information in the essential features of the newspaper
article: What is the name of the newspaper? (Pine River Today - Online) What is the name of the
article? (Jobs in Technology) When was the article written? (Monday, May 25)
Have pupils look at the text and make predictions about the newspaper article (job ad) based on
this information, the pictures, and their captions.
Point out the phrase "make money" and use the context in the text to explain the meaning in
After reading, ask the pupils if their predictions about the article were correct. Ask what jobs the
newspaper article talks about. Elicit what the jobs have in common and what pupils have learned
from reading the text.