MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 25
Notes, messages and forms
Can write his/her name, address, age, date of birth, etc.
Interaction Strategies
Asking for clarification
Can indicate with words, intonation, and gestures that he/she does not understand
Mediating a text
Overall mediation
Can convey simple, predictable information of immediate interest given in short, simple signs and notices,
posters and programs
Expressing a personal response to creative texts (including literature)
Can use simple words, phrases and sentences to say how a work made him/her feel
Mediating concepts
Facilitating collaborative interaction with peers
Can invite peer contributions to very simple tasks using short, simple phrases
Linguistic (Lexical Band I and Grammar Band I)
General linguistic range
Can exploit a very basic range of simple expressions related to personal details and needs of a concrete type
Can use some basic structures in sentences with some omission or reduction of elements
Vocabulary range and control
Can draw on his/her receptive and productive knowledge of vocabulary (Lexical Band I) when relating to
particular concrete situations
Grammatical accuracy
Can use a few simple grammatical structures and sentence patterns (specified in Grammar Band I) to fulfill
simple communicative needs
Phonological control
Sound articulation
Can correctly reproduce a range of sounds in simple, familiar words and phrases with appropriate stress