MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 223
Repeat to create other word webs for: ways to travel, directions.
Have pupils work in partners or small groups. When pupils are finished, ask each group to share a
word web with the class.
Alternatively, say the word and then call on three pupils to give three associated words.
Teach the new vocabulary using the word cards: hotel, ice, interesting, key, stay, visitor.
For each word, ask pupils to say if the word is a verb (action word), noun (person, place, or thing),
or adjective.
Have pupils point to and read each new word in their Course Books on page 158.
Ready to Read with Words I Know – Phonics Review
Remind pupils that the vowel teams 'ay' and 8ai9 both make the long /A/ sound in English, as in the
words: stay, way, and the words: straight, paint.
Ask pupils which of these words is a new word they have just learned. Elicit: stay
Elicit other words pupils know with these sounds.
Class Discussion
Ask pupils the following questions. Encourage responses in English and emphasize the target
vocabulary in the pupils' answers. Reassure pupils that there is not one correct answer.
1. What can you do when you are visiting a new city? (Elicit some examples, e.g., visit a museum,
take photos around the city, see interesting places, eat new foods, etc.)
2. What famous places around the world do you want to see?
3. Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Do you like staying in hotels?
Vocab Activity
Do the activity to review and practice the vocabulary (show the word cards): hotel, ice, interesting,
key, stay, visitor.
Yes or No (VA #9)
Say a true or a false statement about one of the words. For example: You can sleep at a hotel. or
Ice is warm. Have pupils say "Yes" or "No" to indicate if the sentence is true or false.
For false statements, encourage pupils to correct the sentence.
Play a few rounds to practice different words. The teacher may choose a volunteer to lead.
Course Book page 158
Course Book page 158, task 1
Have pupils match the phrases with the correct picture.