MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 17
Rethinking as a Result of Assessment
Much can be learned from the information that is gathered with the assessment tools provided in
this program. Assessment helps summarize the class progress and guide instruction. By looking at
the assessments, the teacher will get a full picture of the can-dos that have been achieved by the
class and those that the majority of the class have not mastered yet. In such a case, reviewing those
objectives would be in order. If the objectives have not yet been achieved, a conscious effort should
be made to re-enter these teaching items systematically in subsequent lessons so that everyone will
acquire them. This will avoid gaps in knowledge later on.
In addition to guiding instruction, the assessment tools allow the teacher to monitor each pupil’s
achievements and to identify difficulties. By looking across each pupil’s performance on the
checklists, it is easy to see what the child knows or does well, and what s/he still has not yet
mastered. To help the pupil improve on these objectives, extra help and practice should be
Finally, the assessment tools provide insight into the pupils’ affective needs and self-concept. If a
pupil’s self-assessments are particularly low or if s/he indicates no enjoyment in participating in class
activities, this should be taken very seriously and addressed. Opportunities for showing the pupil
his/her strengths and providing encouragement and praise should be created by:
Calling on the pupil when s/he raises his/her hand to volunteer or offer a response.
Praising the pupil for his/her effort, willingness, response, etc. during class activities.
Having a dialogue during the Pupil-Teacher Conference.
g. Recommendations for Report Cards
When writing comments on report cards, the teacher should remember that progress is
individual and therefore not everyone will learn the same things at the same pace, or to the
same degree as others. More important is that the acquisition process is moving forward, and
the pupil develops a positive attitude toward himself as a learner, as well as towards English.
17. Digital Resources and Extramural Projects
a. Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
Twenty-first century pedagogy demands that pupils are enables and challenged to use an array
of digital tool in their language learning. Incorporated throughout Magical are a variety of online
activities that allow pupils to practice English while interacting with the digital world. The online
activities are interactive, motivating, and give pupils the opportunity to take the material they
have learned further.
Within the Teacher’s Guide, Look Online (ICT) activities have explicit instructions and direct links
to online resources. The ICT projects require the pupils to explore, create, and engage with
digital tools.