MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 147
Can talk about their immediate family members
Can express likes and dislikes in relation to familiar topics in a basic way
Can describe someone9s physical appearance in a basic way
Can say what the weather is like
Can draw simple conclusions about people in pictures, using a limited range of formulaic expressions
Can say what someone9s job is using familiar common job names
Can give a simple description of an object or picture while showing it to others using basic words, phrases,
and formulaic expressions, especially when he/she can prepare in advance
Can describe the position of objects or people using pictures or gestures
Addressing audiences
Can read a very short, rehearsed statement
Playing with spoken language
Can sing an age-appropriate, level-appropriate song
Can say simple tongue-twisters and other types of playful language.
Can take part in age-appropriate, level-appropriate games that use formulaic expressions
Can re-tell parts of a story (with or without pictures) read by the teacher or from previous knowledge
Written production
Overall written production
Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences using level-appropriate language (vocabulary and grammar) and
spelling that approximates accurate conventions based on a developmental continuum.
Creative writing
Can write about themselves and fictitious people
Can describe certain everyday objects
Spoken interaction
Overall spoken interaction
Can engage in limited interactions (restricted in the number of turn-takings and scope) where communication may
involve repetition, at a slower rate of speech and rephrasing
Understanding the interlocutor
Can understand everyday expressions aimed at the satisfaction of simple needs of a concrete type, delivered
directly to him/her in clear, slow, and repeated speech by a sympathetic speaker
Can understand questions and instructions addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and follow short,
simple directions
Can take part in a simple conversation of a basic factual nature on a predictable topic
Can introduce people and use basic greetings and leave-taking expressions
Can ask how people are
Informal and formal discussions
Can exchange likes and dislikes when addressed clearly, slowly, and directly