MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 125
Review the vocabulary using the word cards: apple, banana, bread, cake, carrot, cheese, chicken,
chocolate, coffee, cookie, drink, eat, egg, fish, fruit, hungry, jam, juice, meat, onion, pizza, salad,
sandwich, tea, thirsty, tomato, vegetables, water.
Ask pupils what these words have in common. Elicit: food, eating/drinking
Ask: Which foods do you like to eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? (Elicit some responses for each.)
Teach the new vocabulary using the word cards: candy, choose, cook, fast food, ice cream, meal,
rice, snack, soup, sweet.
Ask pupils what these words have in common. Elicit any logical response, including: food/meals
Ask pupils to share examples of snacks. Tell pupils that a