MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 112
Chant Lyrics Unit 2 Page 67 #4
Move your body, it is time.
I'll say an action, you do the mime!
You can have a healthy heart,
Come on, friends, let's start!
Wave your arms like you can fly,
Like a bird up in the sky!
Swim like fish in the sea,
Your legs can kick, bend your knees!
Now your shoulders go left and right,
Run in the park, go fly a kite!
Jump on one foot, up and down,
Now walk in a circle, turn around!
After listening, ask pupils to name the body parts they used while miming the actions in the chant.
Course Book page 67
Course Book page 67, task 5
Have pupils look at the pictures and say at least two body parts you exercise by doing each of the
Have pupils use the sentence starter: When you climb a mountain, you move your&
Talk it Out
Course Book page 67, task 6
Have pupils read the dialogue with a partner. Then, have pupils change the bolded words to apply the
sentences to themselves and the activities they prefer to do. Pupils can use the words and phrases in
task 5 to help them. Have pupils repeat the dialogue with their partner, and then switch roles.
Teach the new vocabulary word "OK" through the context of the dialogue (use L1 if needed to
explain the meaning).
After working together, choose volunteers to perform their version of the dialogue for the class.
Extension: Have more advanced pupils customize the dialogue using their own words to replace the
bolded words.
Workbook pages 84-85
Have pupils complete the tasks. Review the instructions for each task before allowing pupils to work
on their own or with a partner/small group.
When pupils are finished, check answers.