MAGICAL Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 111
Song Lyrics Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees, and toes
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees, and toes
Eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees, and toes
Vocab Activity
Do the activity to review and practice the vocabulary (show the word cards): arm, body, ears, eyes,
face, feet, foot, hair, hand, head, heart, knee, leg, mouth, nose, shoulder, teeth.
Silly Songs (VA #23)
Choose 4 body part vocabulary words at random. Sing the words to the tune of the first line in
the song Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Have pupils point to each body part as you sing them.
In small groups/pairs have pupils choose their own 4 words to replace the lyrics in the song. Give
the groups a few minutes to practice their lines.
Go around the room giving each group a chance to sing their new silly lyrics to the tune of the
song. Have all pupils point to the body parts as they are sung.
Course Book page 66
Course Book page 66, task 1
Have pupils match the sentences to the correct picture.
Course Book page 66, task 2
Tell pupils that all the sentences in this task are false.
Read each sentence together as a class and determine why it is incorrect. Elicit a corrected version of
each sentence. (Some sentences can be corrected in multiple ways). For example: I have three hearts.
(Elicit: I have one heart.)
Use this task as an opportunity to review singular and plural nouns where appropriate.
Course Book page 66, task 3
Have pupils match each group of words to the categories in the word box. Then, have pupils add a
word to each category.
Course Book page 67, task 4
Have pupils listen to the Move Your Body chant. Have pupils follow the instructions in the chant and
mime the actions.
Listen to the chant once with the teacher demonstrating the movements and pupils following.
Listen a second time and encourage the pupils to say the words of the chant as they mime the