LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 90
. Have the students complete the sentences in their notebooks, using ‘have’ or ‘has’,
according to the picture.
2. have
3. has
4. has
5. have
6. have
6. Word Workout!
Have the students read the sentences and decide if they
relate to the pictures marked A or B. Have the students
write the answers in their notebooks.
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. First: B, USA, Second: A, Jamaica, Third: C, Brazil
AI: Students extract information
from visual data, such as
timetables and schedules.
WKBK: Have the students turn to workbook pages 65-67 and do exercises 6-10.
Pages 60-61
7. Language Focus!
Present Simple – Negative Form
Remind the students of the Present Simple affirmative
sentences that they learned a few pages ago. Explain that
today they will be learning about how to make the Present
Simple sentences negative.
• What word do we use to make a sentence negative?
AL: Students know how word
order, sound and writing
systems in English are
organized and how these
elements compare with their
home language.
Explain that in Present Simple we use the word ‘not’, but we have to add a helping verb. The
helping verb helps the verb do its work, it carries all the bags, like a servant.
For example: If I say, I like tea. I can add what I don’t like – I do not like cola. I have to
add the helping verb ‘do’ and the word ‘not’ and I get: I do not like cola.