LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 61
When they finish their own, they should compare their
gallery with a friend. Together they should write how the
galleries are similar and how they are different. They
should write at least two similarities and two differences.
Before they present, they should use the checklist on page
241 of the workbook to make sure they’ve done
everything needed. Then they will present their galleries
to the class.
SI: Students interact for a limited
range of purposes, such as
following basic instructions and
directions, asking for and giving
information, making and fulfilling
simple requests.
You can use the checklist below to evaluate their task.
There are at least six pictures.
Each picture is labelled accordingly.
Each picture has a sentence using ‘This is…’ or ‘These are…’.
At least two similarities were written.
At least two differences were written.
WKBK OPTION: Have the students turn to workbook pages 34-36 and do the Independent
Reading that is there.
Pages 28-29
Part 5 – What Do I like?
Section Title – Turn the students’ attention to the heading of the section. Ask them to try to
determine what Albert likes (sandwiches best). Remind them of their answers at the end of
the section to see how many of the students were correct.
Before going on to exercise 1, focus on the Vocabulary
Ruler on page 29.
If you have access to the digital format, go to the
Vocabulizer online (www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/vocab) and
have the students work there. If not, teach the vocabulary
from the book.
AI: Students use information tools
such as a glossary, a simplified
learner’s dictionary, online
dictionary, table of contents,
guided search engines, simplified
E-books, YouTube videos.
Make sure the students are familiar with the words in the
Words I Know (favorite, I like, I love, music, sandwich, swimming).