LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 44
they’re not / they aren’t
Say that they can use either of the short forms or the long form and they are all correct.
EXTRA: Ask the students what word they hear when you say ‘they’re’. They should hear
‘there’, as these words sound the same. Explain that these two words sound the same but
they are spelled differently and used differently.
5. Let’s Practice!
. Have the students do the exercise in their notebooks. Do
the first one with them so they understand what is required.
When they are finished, check their answers with them
1. You are not in the park.
2. He is not in the park.
3. She is not in the park.
4. It is not in the park.
5. We are not in the park.
6. They are not in the park.
. Have the students look at the picture and write four
different sentences about the picture using To Be and the
word bank. Read the example with them.
When they are finished, have the students read their answers
out. Write a few of the sentences on the board.
AL: Students know how
word order, sound and
writing systems in English
are organized and how
these elements compare
with their home language.
P: Students describe people,
places, things, events and
personal experiences in
familiar settings.
WKBK: Have the students turn to workbook pages 10-11 and do exercises 6-8.
Pages 10-11
Before going on to exercise 6, focus on the Vocabulary Ruler on page 11.
If you have access to the digital format, go to the
Vocabulizer online (www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/vocab) and
have the students work there. If not, teach the vocabulary
from the book.
Make sure the students are familiar with the words in the
Words I Know (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten).
AI: Students use information tools
such as a glossary, a simplified
learner’s dictionary, online
dictionary, table of contents,
guided search engines, simplified
E-books, YouTube videos.
Read them and have the students explain/show you what the words mean. Do at least one
review activity. For ideas, go to page v, Teaching Vocabulary.