LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 236
12. Work Workout!
. Have the students write the correct word for each picture in their notebooks. Then they
should write a sentence for each word.
1. flat
2. Web
3. menu
4. hologram
5. address
6. noise
. Have the students complete the sentences in their notebooks. Encourage them to write
the entire sentence.
1. chat
2. trip
3. kids
4. web
WKBK: Have the students turn to workbook page 211 and do exercises 5-6.
Page 226
13. Let’s Do It!
Go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/DoIt to play this video.
Have the students watch the video in-class or at home and
follow the instructions there on how to make their own
P: Students present information
on limited content, supported
by visual aids.
The students can work alone or in pairs. They should use the checklist on page 246 of the
workbook to make sure they’ve done everything needed.
You can use the checklist below to evaluate their task.
I watched the video.
I followed the instructions in the video.
I showed my hologram to my friends.
I explained how my hologram works.
Pullout Box – Words Around the World
Read the text with the class and talk about the use of
the word ‘ghost’ or ‘sheet’ to describe how people
react or feel.
ALC: Students become familiar with
different cultural practices and
traditions from reading literary texts.