LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 175
1. grew up
2. interesting
3. yourself
4. sent
5. program
. WKBK: Have the students turn to workbook page 152 and do exercises 1-2.
Before going on to exercise 4, focus on the Vocabulary Ruler on page 149.
If you have access to the digital format, go to the Vocabulizer online
(www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/vocab) and have the students work there. If not, teach the
vocabulary from the book.
Make sure the students are familiar with the words in the Words I Know (video).
Read them and have the students explain/show you what the words mean. Do at least one
review activity. For ideas, go to page v, Teaching Vocabulary.
Teach the new vocabulary words from New Words (come, enjoy, give, pop star, superstar,
was, were). Reinforce these new words via at least one or two activities.
For more ideas on how to work on vocabulary, go to page v, Teaching Vocabulary.
Pullout Box
Have the students look at the pullout box on page 148. Have them read the clue.
WKBK OPTION: Have the students turn to workbook page 153 and do the Independent
Reading task to solve the mystery there. If the reading is too difficult for your class or if you
wish to approach this pullout box differently, you can provide the students with the
following information after you ask them who they met and who they think the mystery
person is.
Oprah Winfrey is a superstar. Most people know Oprah from her movies and her television
shows. Not many people know of her charity work. She builds schools for children in Africa,
and helps people in countries all over the world.
4. Let’s Read!
Before reading have students look at the first frame and ask:
• What do you see? (Carla holding the history mystery)
• What is the question? (Who was on a live television
program on February 9, 1964?)
AI: Students understand
the general meaning, main
ideas and the sequence of
events in a text, and use
this knowledge as needed.