LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 174
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Have the students listen to the interview. Ask them to
listen and find out what is happening at the library today.
AI: Students locate relevant
information for a specific purpose.
Transcript: page 147, exercise 1 – Let’s Listen!
Oprah Winfrey: Hello there! My name is Oprah Winfrey. I have a radio program on Radio 1.
My program is called People Are Talking. I visit people around the world to find out what
they are doing. Today we are at the Pine Lake Library, where something very interesting is
happening. This is Holly. Holly works at the library. Hi, Holly!
Holly: Hi, Oprah. Thanks for visiting us today!
Oprah: Thank you for inviting me. Holly, tell me about yourself.
Holly: My name is Holly Cleary. I grew up in Pine Lake. I love reading and I love books. I am
soooo happy to work here!
Oprah: That’s great. So…please tell me what is happening here at the library today.
Holly: Today is our first History Mystery Day. I sent lots of invitations! Everyone who visits
the library today chooses a special history mystery date. Then they find the answer to a
history mystery.
Oprah: There are lots of people here for History Mystery Day. Can I help?
Holly: Of course you can help! Carla, it is your turn to choose a history mystery!
Post Listening
2. Let’s Answer!
Listen to the text a second time and have the students answer the questions.
It’s advisable to have the students read the questions before they listen a second time.
1. 1. b, 2. a, 3. c
2. b
3. She loves reading and books.
4. b
5. b
Pages 148-149
3. Word Workout!
. Have the students write the correct word to complete each sentence in their notebooks.
Encourage them to copy the entire sentence.