LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 170
4. True or False?
Have the students write if the sentence is true or false in their
notebooks, according to the text. They should correct all the false
1. False – In 1928 nobody knows Walt Disney.
2. False – Walt Disney is good at drawing.
3. False – Walt’s movie is the first cartoon movie with sound.
4. True
AI: Students understand
the general meaning, main
ideas and the sequence of
events in a text, and use
this knowledge as needed.
Pullout Box
Have the students look at the pullout box and read the clue there.
WKBK OPTION: Have the students turn to workbook page 144-145 and do the Independent
Reading task to solve the mystery there. If the reading is too difficult for your class or if you
wish to approach this pullout box differently, you can provide the students with the
following information after you ask them who they met and who they think the mystery
person is.
J.K. Rowling is one of the most famous writers in the world. Her books about Harry Potter
have sold millions of copies, and they have been made into popular movies, too. When she
wrote the first Harry Potter book twenty years ago, J. K. Rowling was very poor. Today she is
one of the richest women in the world.
WKBK: Have the students turn to workbook pages 146-147 and do exercises 1-3.
Page 144-146
5. Word Workout!
WKBK: Have the students turn to workbook page 148, exercise 4 and do the crossword
puzzle there.
6. Language Focus: Adjectives
7. Let’s Remember!
Read the adjectives with the students and have them say what they mean. Ask them for
examples of sentences using these adjectives.
8. Let’s Match!
Have the students write the matching opposite pairs in their notebook.
1. small – a. big
2. dirty – d. clean
3. cold – e. hot