LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 155
Analysis and Interpretation
6. Let’s Write!
Have the students answer the questions in their notebooks.
ALC: Students analyze and
interpret literary texts, using
higher – order thinking skills.
1. Yes, he does.
2. Have them write their opinion.
Then discuss their answers so the students can share and they might be able to
convince others that their views are correct, more interesting.
3. It is very still at first and then the next morning it moves around a lot and becomes
happy. Have the students try to explain that the water horse feels good in his new
Post Reading
7. Let’s Do It!
Have the students work in threes to create their own animal.
Go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/DoIt to play this video.
ALC: Students provide an
oral, written or visual
response to a literary text.
They will need:
• two friends to work with
• a piece of paper
• pencils
• colored pencils or markers
Read the instructions with them, explaining each step.
Each student of the three is responsible for drawing only one part of the animal. Whatever
comes out is their new animal. They are then to choose a name for
the animal and describe it in a few sentences.
P: Students use given
criteria, such as a
They should use the checklist on page 244 of the workbook to make
checklist/rubric to
sure they’ve done everything needed.
prepare presentations.
Then each group presents their animal to the class.
Summative Assessment
8. Let’s Write!
Have the students compare their animal to the water horse.
They can use the Venn Diagram if they find it more
convenient. They should work in their notebooks.
P: Students design a means for
collecting information and list
the results.