LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 147
For more ideas on how to work on vocabulary, go to page v, Teaching Vocabulary.
Section Title – Turn the students’ attention to the heading of the section. Ask them what
they think is in the lake. Remind them of their answers at the end of the section to see how
many of the students were correct.
1. Let’s Read!
Have the students look at the pictures and try to predict what the
text is going to be about. Ask them what they think the section title
has to do with the movie being made here.
AI: Students understand
the general meaning,
main ideas and the
sequence of events in a
text, and use this
knowledge as needed.
While Reading
Go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO to play this text.
Have the students read lines 1-7 and ask:
• Who is making a movie? (Albert, Carla, Zack and Anna)
• Where are they making a movie? (at the lake)
• Why are they making a movie? (the pictures in the movie can help them find out if
the monster is real)
• What is Carla doing? (talking into a microphone)
• Who is holding the camera? (Albert)
• What is Zack holding? (a slate)
• What is a slate? (a black and white board that shows the information about the
movie – name of movie, name of director, date and place)
• How do you know what it is? (have the students show you where they found this
information in the text)
• What do you think their movie is about?
Have the students read lines 8-19 and ask:
• What is Anna holding? (big cards)
• What are these cards for? (to show Carla what to say)
• Why does Albert say “Action”? (he’s the director and he wants her to start talking)
• What is Carla asking? (Is there a monster swimming in the lake? Is the monster real?)
• Why is Carla asking these questions? (they want to find out)
• Do you think the monster is real? (have them explain their views)
Have the student read to the end and ask:
• What do the children hear? (a big splash)
• Who makes the splash? (they don’t know)
• How will the children find out what makes the splash? (they can see it in their movie)