LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 134
1. Let’s Rap!
Have the students read the rap. Then rap it together with them.
Go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO to play this text.
Remind them of the use of intonation, stress and rhyme to put stress on various parts of the
sentence. Explain also that in the rap, to give it rhythm, the stress might change in the
sentences, but when we speak we stress different things. For example, compare the same
sentence in regular speech and rap with the bold words being stressed.
Regular speech: Many photos, or legends, or movies aren’t true.
Rap: Many photos, or legends, or movies aren’t true.
• What are we finally going to find out?
• What can scare you even if it’s not real? (photos, legends, movies)
Have them guess and make predictions using the rap as a source of information.
While Reading
2. Let’s Read!
Go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO to play this text.
Go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/video to play this video.
Have the students read the comic strip and find out what the
children in the story thought about the movie.
AI: Students understand the
general meaning, main ideas
and the sequence of events in
a text, and use this knowledge
as needed.
Where are the children going after the movie? (to buy ice cream)
What does Anna like about the movie? (the end)
Who else likes the end? (Albert)
What else does Albert like? (the scary parts)
What part does Albert say he loves? (the part where Alex is sitting in the boat and
the monster is looking at him)
• Where was the monster when he looks at Alex? (underwater)
• What does Zack ask? (are monsters real?)
• Why does Zack ask that? (he’s afraid of monsters)
• What does Anna describe? (a scary situation)
• What sound do they all hear? (ooooooaaaaargh)
• Why does Zack ask “How did you do that?” (he thought it was Anna)
• Was it Anna? (no)
• Who could have made that sound? (accept any logical answer)
• What do the children see in the lake? (accept any logical answer)