LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 71
When they are finished, check their answers with them.
1. a
2. Dexter
3. Us / the students / the kids in class
4. Have the students suggest possibilities based on the information they’ve collected
until now.
5. Albert is not alone, he is with Carla
6. They should see Albert behind the mask/helmet frame 5 – page 35).
WKBK: Have the students turn to workbook pages 44-45 and do exercises 1-4.
WKBK OPTION: Have the students turn to workbook pages 46-49 and do the Independent
Reading there.
Pages 38-39
I Love Literature!
1. Get Ready to Read!
Tell the students that you will be working on another poem. Remind them that they’ve
studied two poems this unit (one on page 12 and another on page 16).
a. Have the students look at the poem and copy all the words that repeat in the poem.
Answers: children, you are, different from your, whoever you are, they are, wherever,
around the world, like you, the same
Make sure students know the meaning of these words. Use L1 if and when necessary.
b. Ask the students why they think repetition was used. How does it make the poem
Possible answers: The repetition helps make the point of the poem clearer. / The repetition
helps focus on the point of different yet the same. / The repetition helps us understand that
we are all the same even if we have some things that are different.