LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 60
Pages 26-27
14. Word Workout!
. Review the words with the students, making sure they understand them all. Then have
the students write the correct word that corresponds with each picture in their notebooks.
1. castle
2. build
3. buildings
4. mountains
5. bridge
6. hard
. Have the students draw a word web in their notebooks, just like the one that is on this
page. Have them write as many words as possible about castles using the words in the word
bank above and in the reading passage.
When they are finished, draw the same word web on the board and have the students share
their answers.
. Have the students complete the sentence using words from their word web in their
notebooks. Then have the students share.
WKBK: Have the students turn to pages 31-33 and do exercises 11-16.
15. Let’s Do It!
Explain to the students that they will be making a
Picture Gallery using workbook page 227.
P: Students present information on
limited content, supported by visual aids.
They will need:
• markers or colored pencils
• photos or pictures
• scissors
• glue
• workbook page 227
They should tear out the page. Then find and glue or if they
prefer, draw one picture in each frame. They could put
anything they like in the pictures as long as they can write a
sentence about it afterwards. They have to write a label for
each picture, and then a sentence about each picture using
‘This is…’ and ‘These are…’.
P: Students use given criteria,
such as a checklist/rubric to
prepare presentations.