LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 45
Teach the new vocabulary words from New Words (around the world, friend, mean, smart,
something, special, strong, too, What’s your name?). Reinforce these new words via at least
one or two activities.
For more ideas on how to work on vocabulary, go to page v, Teaching Vocabulary.
Pullout Box – Big is Better!
Before you read the text with the students, focus on the pullout box. Explain that names of
people and places start with capital letters because it shows respect. The word ‘I’ is always
in capital letters because we respect ourselves. We also use a capital letter when we start a
sentence, to show respect to the first word in the sentence. It also helps us know when a
sentence starts and if a word in the middle of a sentence is actually a name.
6. Get Ready to Read!
WKBK: Have the students turn to page 12 in the workbook and do exercise 9.
The students scan the text and underline the words with capital letters and highlight proper
While Reading
7. Let’s Read!
Have the students read the passage. They could read either
from the workbook or from their Student’s Book. Ideas for how
to work on Reading Comprehension appear on pages xii-xiii.
Go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO to play this text.
Post Reading
After they finish reading, read it aloud to them and ask
questions about the text to make sure it’s clear.
• What does (Dakota) mean?
• What language is (Galena) in?
• Is (Carla) a boy’s name or a girl’s name?
AI: Students understand
the general meaning,
main ideas and the
sequence of events in a
text, and use this
knowledge as needed.
Ask the students if they know what their name means and the story behind it. Enable as
many students as possible to share this.
8. Let’s Complete!
WKBK: Have the students go to page 13 in the workbook and
do exercise 10. Explain that they have to fill in the information
in each column based on what they learned in the text.
AI: Students locate relevant
information for a specific
Check the answers with them on the board. For answers, see workbook Answer Key.