LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 244
Post Reading
6. Let’s Write!
Have the students write a sentence that describes the sounds they
would hear in each picture. Have them share their ideas with the
ALC: Students provide an
oral, written or visual
response to a literary text.
Summative Assessment
7. Let’s Write and Act!
Group Work Have the students work in small groups. Each group
is to choose one of the three situations and create a small skit
around it. They should present it to their classmates.
ALC: Students provide an
oral, written or visual
response to a literary text.
8. Let’s Write
ALC: Students reflect on a
1. Have the students read the questions and answer in their
literary text.
notebooks. They should relate to the sounds and the way they
look in the text. They should discuss whether the way the sounds are presented helped
them or not and whether the sounds helped them enjoy the story more or less.
Bridging Text and Context
2. Have the students reflect on the issue of the way the sounds
are written in the story and whether that helped them
understand the story better.
ALC: Students understand the
historical, social and / or
cultural contexts of the text
and its author.
Unit Reflection
Have the students go to workbook pages 213-219 and do the review exercises there. When
they are finished they should go to page 248 in the workbook and fill in the Reflection Chart.