LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 238
Pages 228-229
Continue reading frames 4-9 and ask:
• Who did they meet after Carla? (Anna)
• Who haven’t they seen yet? (Albert)
• What does Albert think of the castle? (it looks the same)
• What does Zack think about his airplane? (it makes him
• Where does future Zack live? (on Mars)
• How is life on Mars? (fantastic)
• What does Zack ask? (where is Carla?)
AI: Students understand the
general meaning, main ideas
and the sequence of events
in a text, and use this
knowledge as needed.
Pages 230-231
Post Reading
3. Let’s Answer!
Have the students answer the questions in their notebooks.
1. b
2. Zack
3. Carla – she is performing
AI: Students extract
information from visual
data, such as timetables,
4. Let’s Talk!
Have the students look at the picture and think how the concert is
connected to the story they’ve been reading until now. They
should realize that Carla is performing since they have a band and
she is the pop star in the future.
5. Let’s Listen!
Have the students listen to the recording and answer the
question of what is happening in the castle. Play the
recording once and then discuss the question. They should
say that Carla is performing, putting on a show in the
Go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO to play this text.
P: Students express a
personal reaction to the
content of something
read, seen or heard, using
the appropriate higherorder thinking skills for this
AI: Students understand the
general meaning, main ideas and
the sequence of events in a text,
and use this knowledge as needed.