LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 232
Frame 3
• Who is answering questions? (Professor Garcia-Sparkov)
• What did she win? (a Nobel Prize for physics)
• What do the students ask her? (if she’s going to teach at the university)
• What does she answer? (Yes, of course; and they are all welcome to join her classes)
Frame 4
• What does the woman tell the professor? (it’s almost 7:30)
• What does the time mean? (there is time for one question only)
Frame 5
• What do the students ask the professor? (if she’s going to the castle)
• What does she answer? (yes and that she’s there now)
• If she is at the castle, how is she there with the students? (she’s a hologram)
Frame 6
• What does the professor ask? (how many are going to the castle tonight)
Frame 7
• What does Anna realize? (she’s going to win a Nobel Prize)
• Who does she marry? (Albert)
• What’s happening to the computer? (the battery is low)
Pages 220-221
Post Reading
3. Let’s Answer!
Have the students answer the questions in their notebooks.
1. Anna
2. Yes and no. She isn’t physically there, but she is there as a hologram.
3. The battery is dying.
4. Have the students make suggestions and share with the class.
Question 4 is a great opportunity for discussion.
4. Word Workout!
. Have the students answer the questions in their notebooks.
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. c
5. a